Saturday, August 22, 2009


In March 2008, Goldman Sachs announced a significant new initiative that has two goals: increasing the number of underserved women receiving a business and management education and improving the quality and capacity of business and management education around the world. Expanding the entrepreneurial talent and managerial pool in developing and emerging economies – especially among women – is one of the most important means to reducing inequality and ensuring more shared economic growth.

The initiative has six components:

10,000 Women Over Five Years Will Receive a Business and Management Education: Goldman Sachs is supporting partnerships with universities and development organizations that will lead to 10,000 Women receiving a business and management education over five years.

Build Quality and Capacity Through Global Business Sister School Partnerships: To strengthen the quality and capacity of business schools in developing nations, Goldman Sachs is supporting partnerships between business schools and universities in the United States and Europe and business schools in developing and emerging economies.

Establish Mentoring and Post-Graduation Support for Women Entrepreneurs: In addition to funding tuition for business and management education, 10,000 Women is establishing mentoring and networking channels for women.

Work with Leading Research and Women’s Development Organizations: 10,000 Women is working with these organizations to better understand the local challenges these girls and women must overcome so more of them can ultimately realize their potential through access to greater economic opportunity.

Develop Partnerships in the United States to Help Disadvantaged Women: As part of 10,000 Women, Goldman Sachs is establishing parallel programs and partnerships to provide disadvantaged women throughout the United States greater access to business and management education.

Commit the Time and Dedication of Goldman Sachs People: In addition to the firm’s financial commitment, Goldman Sachs is also contributing its most valuable asset – its people – to the success of 10,000 Women.

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